Our performance
The Ranworth PCN team are constantly monitoring several key performance areas. This allows us to direct our support to maximise the outcomes for patients.
Below is an overview of some of our key performance areas, set against targets set by NHS England.
Flu given to 18-64-year-olds at risk
Target: 72% - 90%
Current Performance: 59.6%
Flu given to 2-3-year-olds
Target: 64% - 82%
Current Performance: 99.5%
Learning Disability checks completed for patients aged 14 or over
Target: 60% - 80%
Current Performance: 57.6%
FIT result (stool sample) accompanying Urgent Lower GI two week wait referral or suspected cancer
Target: 65% - 80%
Current Performance: 84.4%
Patients seen within 2 weeks of requesting an appointment
Target: 85 - 90%
Current Performance: 84.0%